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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Employer Toolkit

Hiring a veteran is a win-win for a business. Not only do they bring with them soft skills like time management and leadership in addition to the technical skills learned through their military job, but when you hire a veteran there are programs that give your business tax credits for qualifying individuals or repayment of their wages.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit is a tax credit available to employers for qualified employees. The program is simple, you hire the individuals appropriate for the job and fill out a small amount of paperwork to get the tax credit.

Non-Paid Work Experience is a six-month program supported by the VA that allows the employer to “test-drive” the employee before hiring them to ensure that they are the right fit in the agency. Because veterans that participate through this program are given a stipend from the VA, employers do not pay this employee a salary until they are hired. Please note that this program is only available to local, state and federal government entities.

On-the-Job Training (OJT) and Apprenticeships

OJT and Apprenticeship opportunities give participants the hands-on training they need for a successful career path and give employers wage assistance to bring on more staff.

Vocational Rehab and Employment (VR&E) Program

Vocational Rehab and Employment (VR&E) Program has special benefits, tax credits and incentives from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for employers who hire veterans and service members.

S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce

S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce has several valuable training programs. Be sure to click the Employers tab for additional benefits, resources and services.  


Looking to grow your workforce in South Carolina? ReadySC is one of the oldest and most experienced workforce training programs in the United States.

Apprenticeship Carolina

Through Apprenticeship Carolina, an apprenticeship program through S.C. Technical College System, consultants are available at no charge to guide companies through the registered apprenticeship development process.

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has created 10 steps to becoming a military-ready employer guide that has lots of valuable information. Learn how to hire and retain military veterans with this comprehensive toolkit.